Advanced Optical Measurement Solutions for Display Technologies Getting a Showing in San Jose Next Week

In the German Pavillon at Display Week 2024, Instrument Systems will feature the LumiTop family, a line of imaging colorimeters designed for high accuracy and rapid 2D measurements tailored to specific needs in AR/VR, automotive, and continuous production environments..

The LumiTop 5300 AR/VR, a high-resolution camera developed for assessing near-eye displays, will be highlighted for its ability to capture comprehensive images in a single shot, facilitating distortion and sharpness analysis. The TOP 300 AR/VR optical probe, which simulates the human optical system and connects to CAS series spectroradiometers, will also be displayed, aimed at simplifying optical tests on AR/VR modules.

For automotive applications, the LumiCam 4000B will be demonstrated. This camera uses motorized lenses and a six-filter measurement system to ensure precise color analysis of vehicle displays and lighting.

Instrument Systems will also discuss measurement techniques for low and high luminance, single pixel evaluation, and goniometric measurements of near-eye displays.

With Radiant Vision Systems, the company will present a course on the fundamentals of display metrology, covering measurement standards and units, and the latest solutions for analyzing display technologies like µLEDs and AR/VR devices. It will also deliver a lecture on the impact of calibration sources on the accuracy of chromaticity measurements in LED-based displays.

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